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Little Birds, Big History


How we got started!

Members of the North Texas Classic Thunderbird Club who lived in the Dallas area decided to form their own club. Such members as Fred Goulden, Mike Greer, Don Hyde, and Walt Nuckels attended the Classic Thunderbird Club International (CTCI) convention in Palm Springs, CA in 1972. They made a presentation for a club charter.

14 September 1972

First official meeting.

The first official meeting was held on September 14th, 1972, with 16 car owners attending.

February 1973


In February, 1973, notification of CTCI's approval for Big "D" Little Birds charter was received by 32 members,

June 1973

Big D Little Birds Recognition

The Big "D" Little Birds, Chapter No. 46 was announced at the St. Louis, MO Regional Convention. Since that beginning, the club has grown to 200 family memberships and is still growing.

October 7, 2023

Big "D"  Little Birds Celebrated it's 50th anniversary with 116 members in attendance. 

Officers 2024

Newsletter Editor | Karen Dendy

"Gold" award was received from CTCI in 2015, 2016, and 2021. "Gold Medallion" award was received from CTCI in 2014, 2017, 2018, and 2022. 2019 and 2023 resulted in the highest award received from CTCI "Award of Excellence" given after receiving 3 "Gold Medallions" consecutively.

With your membership you will receive all the latest information for Big D Little Birds happenings.  
Start your application here.

CTCI Advisory Representative - Matt Howell

CTCI has approximately 5,000 members and 88 chapters in the United States, 3 chapters in Canada and 1 chapter in Sweden. 



621 W Plano Pkwy, Ste 229

Plano, TX 75075 

Every Saturday at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast


  • Do I need to own a Thunderbird to join?
    No, our club membership is open to all persons who own 1955-57 Thunderbird or are just an enthusiast.
  • Is there a membership fee?
    Yes, dues are due in January and are $25.00 annually. Membership entitles you to all club activities and our monthly award winning newsletter. Dues are also prorated during the year.
  • Do I have to live in the DFW area?
    No, we have many members who live outside of the DFW area as well as outside of Texas.
  • How do I become a member?
    Our membership application is available through this website. Just click below, print the Membership Application, complete all information, and with your dues mail your application or bring it with you to any of our Saturday breakfast. Join us at 8:30 am, breakfast location is identified above these FAQ's. Membership Application.
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